The Searcher - May 2024
What’s new in this issue?
Our exclusive cover story this month is an Anglo Saxon aestel (or pointer) discovered in Hampshire. Finder Greg Livermore recounts the day he unearthed it and a weak later a Celtic stater.
Other exclusives are what is thought to be a gold Post Medieval dress fitting recovered by Phil Lowery, a rare Danelaw coin of Guthrum from East Anglia, Pete Anning researches a common detecting find made of lead and Robert Turrell reports on a Charity rally in Norfolk organised by the WDS group.
If you own a Manticore then you may be interested in Daniel Spencer’s Searcher settings to maximise your searches and there’s also Part 8 of Adrian Marsden's series on 17th century traders tokens. Of course, there’s much more besides in this edition to inform and inspire you.
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